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Emotional, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Occupational, Physical, Intellectual & Environmental well-being

Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical & Environmental EcosystemsĀ Ā 

Pressures for success or social recognition, increased screen time, a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food habits trigger physical, mental & emotional problems.

We do not notice or ignore them until they get aggravated, such as chronic diseases, emergencies, or vulnerability in old age.

Sick care with fragmented specialisations & toxic effects or one-time wellness/ life coaching cannot offer prevention & holistic & continuing well-being

As a wellness enthusiast, the founder will take a more proactive interestĀ in synthesising fragmented initiatives for a) lifetime personalised understanding, b) authenticity of wellness & life coaches & c) a supportive community for the following:

1. Better lifestyle, nutrition, and active but anxiety-free lifeĀ 

2.Ā Timely diagnosis, caretaking at home & emergency management

3. Stress-free environment at workplaces

4. Wellness & happiness practices for relaxation, reflection & resetting of life for happy & healthy nurturing, living, growing & ageing

  • Shifting from Mass Tourism to a destination to Anywhere, anytime tourism with a personalised experience can be leveraged for Physical, Mental, and Emotional rejuvenation, cross-cultural sharing, and out-of-the-box thinking. A wellness club for long-termĀ time-sharing can be considered for Homestay properties, Naturopathy & other Wellness Centers.

5. Happy & healthy ageing ecosystem for the following to support senior citizens feeling lonely due to migration & nuclear families:

  • Cohesiveness amongst global/ government/voluntary/ private sector agencies, digital public infrastructure
  • Investment mobilization through CSR & other options
  • Reskilling to remain relevant & contributing in changing times

The government of India has introduced an employment-linked scheme to encourage internships. Retired employees of the enterprise can provide handholding & offer wisdom and relevant insights. Mentoring best practices can be shared on this platform to benefit interns, mentors, and enterprises employing them.

  • Long-term financial savings & insurance planning
  • Time-bank model & communities for family-like support to address problems of loneliness, living conditions, safety & social dignity
  • Health, Financial, Social & Digital empowerment to prevent fraud
  • Encouragement of silver economy for items needed for the elderly
  • Retirement Homes, care centres & skills development for assisted care