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GPS for Next Normal

Ecosystem Platform as a catalyst to tap the potential of Individuals, Families, Organisations and Multi-stakeholder Ecosystems to transform proactively & evolve holistically, consistently & collectively to thrive better in fast-changing times

Evolving holistically beyond individual or organisational resources, capabilities and reach 

The pandemic made us realise the limitations of ownership of physical resources, power, rules, capabilities, privileges, reach, and influences.

We can, however, tap the abundance beyond individual or organisational resources and capabilities through the following:

  • Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) that can empower us to rise above short-term petty considerations & impressions to visualise & sow seeds for lasting positive impact
  • Spiritual inspiration & Holistic Well-being to tap into the transformative potential of an open mind, unique strength & inner energy (of joy, love, curiosity & confidence) by rising above fears, anxieties, attachments, temptations, greed, inertia, jealousy & arrogance
  • The timely direction of a mentor with detached observation & contextual understanding to show direction when we are stuck with multi-dimensional challenges, complex entanglements & misleading distractions or influences
  • Purpose-driven multi-stakeholder ecosystems with a WE mindset, shared values, and passion to co-create conducive conditions
  • Web3, AI, blockchain & ExO technologies & models to co-create inclusive, sustainable & scalable impact

Value Proposition for Individuals, Cultures, Organisations & Ecosystems


During India's presidency, the G20 set the mission of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future'.

We propose a family-like club as Platform-cum-Ecosystem to understand the human mindset, create & sustain interest in the platform, tap happiness hormones & enable the holistic, consistent & balanced evolution of individuals, cultures, organisations & ecosystems.

Even generation gaps and class divides can be bridged if each side looks for a middle path to leverage complementary strengths.

It will PULL relevant solutions or insights from the following ecosystems:  

1) Life, Academic, Experiential, and complementary Learning ecosystemsREAD...

2) Research, Technological, Innovation, Entrepreneurial, Professional, and Impact Investment ecosystems. READ...

3) SpiritualMental, Emotional, Physical, and Environmental well-being EcosystemsREAD...

4) Art, Media, and Entertainment ecosystems. READ...

  1. Happiness & Wellness Club:

Inspiring spiritual & wellness institutions, authentic knowledge institutions, Professional associates, and Pragmatic practitioners will inspire, empower, and encourage spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical evolution to boost and channel club participants' inner and collective energy & confidence

2. Mentoring: 

Mentors will offer personalised, detached, holistic & contextual understanding of life journey, emerging scenarios, available options, complementary strengths needed & methodology to evolve minds, initiatives, organisations & ecosystems to co-create cohesive impact beyond constraints

Krishna's mentoring on the battlefield of Mahabharat, an Indian epic, is a model for the platform.

As a Mentor & Charioteer (Sarthi), Krishna offered a) detached observation (Krishna neither picked up weapons nor advised or coached on how to fight a war), b) contextual understanding (by being aligned for a lifetime & even on the battlefield), c) a transformative perspective (through the Bhagavad Gita), and d) timely direction to Arjuna. On the other hand, as a mentee, Arjuna was transparent about his dilemmas & receptive to a larger perspective even under crisis.

3. Ecosystem Platform

Subscription platform will leverage WEB3, Decentralised Finance (DeFi),  Collective Intelligence and Blockchain to enable Autonomy for co-innovation, enhanced value, better experience, coherent evolving, scalable inclusive growth and Fair Value sharing through the following:

  • Person-to-Person (PtoP) matching for
    •  Need-Solution
    • Investment
  • Leveraging purpose-driven Collaboration, Coaching & Multi-disciplinary Consultancy for Complementary strengths, Upskilling, Multi-dimensional view &  synthesising of scattered insights & fragmented initiatives for enhanced resilience to systemic or interdependent risks & positive cohesive impact
  • Leveraging Community Engagement (closed or open) for Multi-stakeholder Motivation, Consensus development, Brainstorming, Balanced perspective, Cross-learning, Trust building and Co-branding)
  • Tapping cross-sectoral tools & services for cost-effective transactions
Business Model for the Minimum Viable Ecosystem:

The above business model canvas describes partners, customer segments, value proposition, revenue, and platform costs for a Minimum Viable Ecosystem described hereunder

As the platform is PULL-driven, the Membership platform's inbuilt 'Interactions' functionality will enable the following interactions:

  • Ecosystems will work for mutual benefit as Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) represented by stakeholders.
  • A modular approach with stable interfaces and a fair value-sharing model will enable commitment & the evolution of technologies and capabilities commensurate with changing scenarios and needs.
  • Value providers will align their solutions with value receivers' needs and pull insights from value receivers.
  • Value receivers will pull solutions from Value providers and share their insights with value providers.
  • Crowdfunded Philanthropic, Social, or Business Investments will converge. Specialised agencies will measure intangible impacts and outcomes for consideration of entity entrepreneurs & investors.
  • Dots will be connected across initiatives for the holistic & balanced evolution of individuals, organisations & ecosystems.
  • The platform will grow with five flywheels: 1) Community Engagement for brainstorming, 2) Innovation for solutions, 3) Collaborative Insights for Pragmatism, 4) Network effect for Value enhancement & Investment 5) Technology upgradation for cost-effective scaling up
  • As mentioned above, the framework will handle interactions for the first three flywheels.
  • Transactional functionalities for flywheels 4) & 5) will be enabled on Web3 per requirements given by Value providers, Value receivers & investors & will be enabled by the technology provider.
  • For the experience that creates & sustains interest in individual evolution, mutual understanding & collective progress, we propose tying up with one spiritual institution & one wellness centre & will extend it to more such centres for diverse experiences